Monday, June 1, 2009

World of Warcraft, WoW: Baby Shirts, Onesies, Clothes: Bib of a Thousand Drools

When your little starts pounding down his or her very first solids you're going to need a special bib to handle the puree party as well as help get that food down faster. Not to worry, the Bib of a Thousand Drools should do the trick. Find yours here.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

World of Warcraft, WoW: Baby Shirts, Onesies, Clothes: Diapers of Infinite Containment and Bottle of a Thousand Truths

A mixed pair of bibs, which represent two of the most powerful items in the Baby WoW Universe. The Diapers of Infinite Containment need no explanation, but the Bottle of a Thousand Truths is an homage to Kyle, Stan, Kenny, and Cartman. Get your baby geared here and here.

World of Warcraft, WoW: Baby Shirts, Onesies, Clothes: Finery of Unholy Olfaction

One of the most powerful sets of dark magic, your little one can be the dealer of shadowy death upon unsuspecting admirers. The Finery of Unholy Olfaction raises the power of every pooper making mortality a certainty. Sit back and revel in the screams of the innocents here and here.